Edmark International is a group of companies with business interests in Manufacturing, Estates Development and Mobile payment Technology. Edmark has market presence in over 30 Countries,and was incorporated on June 7th, 1987. Edmark uses a distribution/business model called Network marketing; a home-based business (It can be practiced from one’s home) To join, you don’t need an office, employees or security personnel. This is because the headquarter of our company takes responsibility for all administrative procedures including manufacturing, accounting, budgeting, information management etc. Therefore, all what "you" the net-worker has to do are prospecting, retailing, recruiting, and reordering. All these ‘jargons’ will be explained when you sign up with us. To start this business, you have to register with our company, It might be interesting to know that the cost of starting this business is less than #66,000 naira. However, to succeed in this business you need t...