Zinc and its importance for human health

 Zinc is a mineral that your body uses for fighting off infections and producing cells. 

It’s important for healing injuries and creating DNA.

Zinc is very important to our body system......

If you’re not getting enough zinc in your diet, you may have side effects such as hair loss, lack of alertness, and a reduced sense of taste and smell and many more.

Zinc is used by your body in cell production and immune functions. 

Zinc is an essential part of growth, sexual development, and reproduction.

But when we don't have enough zinc in our body.....it will lead to these 👇👇👇

🤷🏿‍♂️unexplained weight loss

🤷🏿‍♂️wounds that won’t heal

🤷🏿‍♂️lack of alertness

🤷🏿‍♂️decreased sense of smell and taste


🤷🏿‍♂️loss of appetite

🤷🏿‍♂️open sores on the skin

Awesome Health Benefits Of Edmark Splina Liquid Chlorophyll

Do you know that If you’re pregnant and have zinc deficiency....your baby might not have what it needs to develop properly in your womb.

 And if you and your partner are trying to become pregnant... zinc deficiency could make it difficult.

The reason is because zinc deficiency may lead to impotence in men.

Men need more zinc than women. Every time a man ejaculates he loses 15mg of zinc. 

Also always have it in mind too that  Pregnant women need more zinc than usual because the zinc in their body is needed to help the developing baby.

Alcoholic People are also at risk of zinc deficiency. 

Research shows that alcohol makes it harder for your body to digest zinc.

Then how do we get the Zinc naturally.....?

Due to inorganic food we are eating ....it's very hard to get adequate zinc that our body needs.

But do you know that Edmark  Splina Liquid Chlorophyll is enriched with Zinc and other 14 minerals that our body need very well.

That means taking Splina liquid chlorophyll regularly keeps your body fortified.

One table spoon of splina liquid chlorophyll is equivalent to 1kg of vegetable consumption.

Also drinking Splina on daily basis keeps the entire body system in good condition always.

Do you now see Splina Liquid Chlorophyll as a drink worth taking....


Since the discovery of chlorophyll’s healing properties,

many other therapeutic applications of this green

substance have been tried successfully. As you can see,

Splina liquid chlorophyll is an essential item to have in your homes

Indeed, Splina liquid chlorophyll is non-toxic, safe and soothing

to body tissues, so it’s considered very safe for people of all

ages. It is actually a whole food, not a drug You need to do your part as well. Learn to clean up your diet and exercise.

#Wellnesswednesday                   #WellnessTips                             #Healthhacks✍️


  1. The Key to Good Health

    Vitamins are special chemicals which the body needs to help it grow and develop.These vitamins are needed from before birth right through to old age,to keep the skin,bones and muscles healthy.

    Vitamins are found in very small amounts in different fruits.But even though your body only needs very small amounts,if your body does not get them,it can cause some serious problems.

    Imagine that a vitamin is like a key to your house.The key is very small,but if you do not have it,it can cause the very big problem of not being able to get into your house!

    Here are some examples of important vitamins:
    ✓ Vitamin C- protects your body against colds and flu

    ✓ Vitamin B- provides good for the brain and nervous system

    ✓ Vitamin A- gives you good eyesight

    ✓ Vitamin D- develoves strong bones and healthy skin

    ✓ Vitamin B12- makes good blood cells

    You must take these keys and use them to open the door to the house of good health.


  2. A lot of people are out there suffering from one health problem or another,they are tired of taking pills, without any permanent solution.

    They have spent a a lot of their hard-earned money on a lot of food supplements,that did not give them good results.They bought a lot of herbal medicines and take,but have not got value for their money.

    Today you and I are here to give them the best solution that will not only restore their health and wellness,but will also restore their hope and happiness for life.

    Now the question is are you ready to work with us to achieve that lifetime mission?

    Are you the type that loves to help mankind succeed in health,wealth and total well-being??

    If you are, then you must make a move towards that mission by contacting us to inquire how you can be part of this mission now!

  3. Thank you so much for supporting our small business in 2020. We’re looking forward to serving you again in 2021.


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