
Food Beverages

Powerful Testimony From CM Grace Sanni

I came across this powerful testimony from CM Grace.....and I decided to share it hereπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Is Covid-19 a CURSE OR BLESSING to You? To me, this crises period has being a huge blessing; let's do the maths, Hopeful, this πŸ‘‡will inspire and motivate someone to unleash his/her inner potentials. Edmark says "earn as much as 6.8m in 3months" and some people are still in doubtπŸ€” Well, I trust Edmark and swung into ACTION. Today makes it exactly 5weeks I upgraded to the elite package and below is my score sheet.... I did 7,140,000 naira turn over in 5weeks and still counting... Now, multiply 34 by 210,000 = #7,140,000 Referral incentives: 34 × 30,000 = #1,020,000 It's your turn to guess how much my monthly performance bonus will amount πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ If I could earn so much in 5 weeks, can you now Imagine how much I would have earned after 3months . For the unbelievers of network marketing, Edmark isn't a Ponzi. I have being with Edmark Internation

Zinc and its importance for human health

 Zinc is a mineral that your body uses for fighting off infections and producing cells.  It’s important for healing injuries and creating DNA. Zinc is very important to our body system...... If you’re not getting enough zinc in your diet, you may have side effects such as hair loss, lack of alertness, and a reduced sense of taste and smell and many more. Zinc is used by your body in cell production and immune functions.  Zinc is an essential part of growth, sexual development, and reproduction. But when we don't have enough zinc in our will lead to these πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 🀷🏿‍♂️unexplained weight loss 🀷🏿‍♂️wounds that won’t heal 🀷🏿‍♂️lack of alertness 🀷🏿‍♂️decreased sense of smell and taste 🀷🏿‍♂️diarrhea 🀷🏿‍♂️loss of appetite 🀷🏿‍♂️open sores on the skin Awesome Health Benefits Of Edmark Splina Liquid Chlorophyll Do you know that If you’re pregnant and have zinc deficiency....your baby might not have what it needs to develop properly in your womb.  And if you and your


COPIED - A TRUE LIFE STORY! A BABY BOY AFTER 17 YEARS* I joined this business (EDMARK) on October 30, 2015. (I had earlier met Mr Peter Adewale, my upline sponsor, in September). He came to me in my shop at Orisunmbare Market (Osogbo). I believe it must have been God who led him to me. He saw me sitting on an unusually large chair ( _because I was grossly obese with a very large belly and swollen feet_). When he first greeted me, I thought he was one of those who regularly came to solicit for financial assistance; but, looking at him, well-dressed, he didn't look like someone begging for assistance. So, I offered him a seat and excused him for a few minutes in order to allow me attend to a waiting customer. After the customer had left, he started discussing EDMARK business and products with me. At first, I thought it was because of my obese condition that made him talk about fat burning using EDMARK products. . Then, I opened up and told him that I was _hypertensive_, had _

Benefits Of (Elite Business Package ) An All In One Family Package

The best time to enjoy your "Healthy Living" Products is when you are still HEALTHY!!! Healthy Living is a Lifestyle and a Habit you must adopt. This approach is know as the #Wellness Approach. You don't wait to be sick before you use your food supplements. You need to be healthy so that you can pursue your dreams. Only when you are healthy that you can work for money. We all are exposed to modern day challenges like new viruses (Eg CORONA), poor quality of food and water, air pollution, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. The best way to manage your health, in the mist of these challenges, is by using your healthy living products/food supplements. Supplementation  is the fastest way of getting all your nutrients in a complete and purest form these days. And also planting of fruits yourself is way better using the old method of farming. Introducing the elite business pack from the stable of Edmark InternationalπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ It's an all-in-One family package: - H


Edmark International is a group of companies with business interests in Manufacturing, Estates Development and Mobile payment Technology. Edmark has market presence in over 30 Countries,and was incorporated on June 7th, 1987. Edmark uses a distribution/business model called Network marketing; a home-based business (It can be practiced from one’s home) To join, you don’t need an office, employees or security personnel. This is because the headquarter of our company takes responsibility for all administrative procedures including manufacturing, accounting, budgeting, information management etc. Therefore, all what "you" the net-worker has to do are prospecting, retailing, recruiting, and reordering. All these ‘jargons’ will be explained when you sign up with us. To start this business, you have to register with our company, It might be interesting to know that the cost of starting this business is less than #66,000 naira. However, to succeed in this business you need t


You might say I have started again and wonder what this means, not too worry, I will explain. The penis is actually a sensitive tissue composed of blood vessels – veins and arteries, as well as nerves. When a man is having an erection, blood rushes to the blood vessels, making it hard and erect. The corposa cavernosa, the main chamber within the penis where majority of blood circulates, is the main component in penile erection. For a man to maintain a healthy erection, he must make sure that blood circulating to the area is free from blocking substances such as cholesterol and fat. Your diet plays a major role in all of this, so you may need to detox “down there” in order to clean out bad things you’ve been taking in, increase your blood and boost your stamina. Lack of desire can also be an indication that your body may be overly toxic. Excess of toxins can lead to weight gain, adrenal fatigue and sexual dysfunction, among other more serious conditions. EDMARK BUSINESS OPPOR


"THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD SUPPLEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY" (BY WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION)  HAWAIIAN SPIRULINA has been long used as a food source for centuries. It is made up of between 55 and 70 % digestible protein more than beef, chicken and soybeans and contains all the essential and non-essential amino acids. WHY TAKE HAWAIIAN SPIRULINA? (1) 3900 % more BETA-CAROTENE than CARROTS which is good for eyes, strong antioxidant, boosts immunity. (2) 375 % more PROTEIN than BEEF, CHICKEN,  TOFU and serves as building  block for muscle tissues necessary in diet. (3) 2300 % more IRON than SPINACH which boost energy,  supports blood health. (4) 300 % more CALCIUM than MILK which supports bone health. (5) 31 Times more ANTIOXIDANTS than BLUEBERRIES which supports cellular health and immunity. (6) BRAIN HEALTH: Research has shown that Hawaiian Spirulina has more promising results than FRUITS like blueberries for brain health. (7) CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: Hawaii